It is the Same Room, yet Totally Different Exhibition
Remember I introduced RoomX in February? Quite impressive, isn't it? Today I am bringing you another exhibition in RoomX, called ‘Cross-scapes: Interconnecting Art’.
About RoomX
I believe you already noticed the difference. It is the same RoomX, yet the decoration, artifacts are totally different. I personally think of RoomX as a great platform to appreciate and discover artifacts while sitting in your living room eating a cupcake in your pajamas at 3 am in morning. No restricted space, time, or formal attire required.
About Exhibition 'Cross-scapes-Interconnecting Art'
The online exhibition aligns with the on-site exhibition aims to evoke an open conversation by displaying the objects accumulated by universities over the years. Cross-scapes includes two exhibitions, ‘Letter-scape’ and ‘Gathering-scape’, and a symposium event, ‘Book-scape’, which is an endeavor to inspire active dialogues, and open up new interpretative horizons.
RoomX is a place and at the same time, it is like Aladin's magical carpet which flies you to spaces, so you could click your way into an exploration of the object of your liking in more depth.
besides the links of exhibited objects, you also could find links to the KeMCoM Project website, Keio Object Hub, and KeMCo Island (coming soon). Of course, you could click the links to KeMCo Line, Instagram, Twitter, and Note, and start following, so you could get first-hand information about KeMCo.
Let's Go Back to RoomX
If you have not noticed yet, I quite like the concept of RoomX. It is a room nowhere to be found but contains everything. There are always surprises and new discoveries if you look close enough.
Have you seen the cat yet? At the upper side of the room, you see he is about to make his way into RoomX, and you know he succeeded when you move your eyes to the bottom left side of the room. You also know the reason: it is the ball that lures him into the room. So please look closely, you may find other amusing details I have not found yet.
Apart from the fascinating details, the artifacts are also quite eye-catching.
The artifact called "Tomoko Sakomura, ‘Summoning the Thirty-six Poets: A Look at a Poet-Portrait Screen’ 18 Japanese poets were drawn on each screen of a partition. The poets, their clothes, hats, various colors, and calligraphy combined so well together. This is my personal favorite. I think it is quite inspirational to having to see poets of an area in one painting. The painting renders me imagine what a precious experience that would be having free-spirited, open-minded people coming together, and having fresh dialogue and conversation.
Now I will drop the link here and leave you to it. I hope RoomX could be a place for you to be inspired regardless of time and space while appreciating artifacts in your unique interpretive way.
Written by
KeMCo Digital Team Member
PhD Student at Keio University Graduate School of Media Design